Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 22

Today was one of those 'i really would rather go to bed' days. For more about why, check out my hubby's blog. There's a link at the top of this page.

The short version is: it got late. Today starts our first recovery week. (If you wonder what this means, check out hubby's blog... it's good stuff!) It was to be yoga, but that one is 90 mins and we knew ahead of time that we wouldn't want to do that tonight. So, we decided to switch with Saturday's workout. And that led us to do Kenpo. As hard as it was to push play instead of falling into the pillow, we did. And like 10 minutes in I was so glad that we did. Amazing how once you start something, like working out, it becomes so enjoyable.

Seems to be that if doing something can make you enjoy it it's best to do things that benefit you.

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