Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day "90" results... and full disclosure

Okay, so yesterday would have been Day 90 with the original schedule. Those of you following the blog know I've had some recent difficulty with motivation and random aches (hip, wrist, etc). Well, here's the real deal... I'm about 7 weeks pregnant! I learned this a couple of days after the 60 day pictures. The nausea has fully set in these past 4-5 days, making working out much more difficult. So, I'm reluctantly calling it quits on this round of P90X.

Last time I was pregnant I had to take a month or so totally off working out, due to the nausea and extreme exhaustion. I'm really hoping that this time I'll be able to do something each day. Last time I came out of my month-of-nothing to run/walk a 1/2 marathon at about month 3. Then I was able to do various preggo workouts until about 8 months. Unfortunately I also gained over 60 lbs last time... that's something I don't want to repeat. So, I plan on transforming this blog into a blog about staying fit (fingers crossed) while pregnant.

So, while I haven't been able to get the results I wanted... what have I got from P90X? I lost a total of 4.5 inches. About 10 lbs, though some of those are already back on. I can do 1/2 pull-up... not my goal of 1, but better than I ever have. Push-ups have more than doubled. In & Outs (a form of sit-up) have doubled. Wall sit has more than doubled. I would say that I'm happy with the results. I truly got out of it what I was able to put in.

Day 1
Day 90

Day 1
Day 90


  1. Congrats Joy! I look forward to following you on your second pregnancy journey! Here's to a healthy one for all involved!!
