Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Days 51 & 52: After the Bad shall come the Good

Well, Day 51 was a bust. I was supposed to do Chest, Back, & Balance. I’ve found that due to shoulder pain this is the hardest workout to complete. This week I was determined to just focus on holding plank during push up sequences. Balancing plank on various balls should be a significant challenge in itself. Instead the kiddos didn’t sleep the night before. With broken up sleep that wasn’t very good I decided the extra 1 ½ before the 6am alarm was more beneficial than working out. Then, as the night continued to not go as I would hope, I decided I just needed to use a sick day to stay with the kiddos. Two teething kiddos and a hubby who got less sleep than me isn’t the ideal household. So, I stayed with them. Kiddos were cranky on and off. When it came to bedtime they both went to bed surprisingly well. I thought about working out then, but there was a raging storm outside and I wasn’t confident that they would both remain asleep. So, I crawled into bed expecting that they would wake me.

Minus one feeding, I wasn’t awoken until the alarm at 4:30. Thus begins Day 52. Plyocide: the shortest 54 minutes ever. Love this routine. Another day of pre-workout drink, post-workout drink, and Shakeology… leads to a pretty awake and productive day. And I’ve discovered that the Tropical Shakeology is pretty awesome with a whole banana and ½ cup blueberries. Yummy and filling.

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