Monday, March 5, 2012

Days 56-57: Motivation on a Monday

Taking weekends (or any two days in a row) off certainly has its disadvantages. Even with foam rolling on Saturday (which I did while watching a movie, so not sure the mentality was the same, though the feeling was fabulous) it felt like two days off. And that leads to “I could get used to this” and “it sure is easy to not workout.”

I actually got to bed at a decent time Sunday night, but was awoken for a 2am feeding that lasted longer than I anticipated. Luckily, my amazing husband took over when happy girl didn’t want to go back to sleep after eating. I guess she just wanted to sleep on the couch with Daddy, where I found them when the 4:30 alarm went off.

4:30am on a Monday: I turned off the alarm and reset for 6am, thinking “maybe my throat hurts a little” and “I didn’t sleep solidly.” But, after crawling back under the covers I thought “it’s kind of warm in here” and “my dreams haven’t been very good.” So, I got up and stood on the scale; this is a great trick: if the number is good “I’m making progress, better keep going” and if the number is bad “yikes, better step it up!” The number was good (I’ll talk about that on Day 60) so I decided to keep going. The prospect of Day 60 pictures doesn’t hurt motivation either. Next obstacle: an adorable daughter and husband asleep on the couch. Do I wake them? Or is it the nicer thing to let them sleep and crawl back into bed myself? But, I sat out everything for the workout the night before so if I didn’t use it I’d still have to put it away. Happily, the girl was in a deep sleep so moving her to the crib didn’t wake her. And the husband didn’t complain about relocating to sleep in bed.

Another bonus on a Monday morning: I love the Base & Back routine. Part of what I love is that it kills me. For the second week in a row I used the pre-workout E&E drink and my numbers were great. In all but one move I was at or better than last week. Course, I didn’t stop sweating until Ab Ripper was done and often it was all I could do to catch my breath between moves. I kind of like that feeling: Going all out!

A funny thing I’ve noticed about Ab Ripper: When Tony says “halfway done” I think “that’s it? This has been going on forever!” But when he says “last one” I think “Wow, that went quick.” I wonder if his counting is off or if I just really prefer the moves in the second half.

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